Speeding Tickets

The Speeding Ticket Lawyers You Need

In Washington state, tickets are handed out like candy. Tens of thousands are written every year. If you recently received a ticket – also referred to as a traffic infraction -, you have a limited amount of time to decide what you can do.

If you hire Witt Law Group to represent you in the infraction, we will file a Notice of Appearance and handle the response for you. No need to take time off of work or worry about your court date!

However, it is critical that you pay close attention to the number of days you have to respond. The time limit applies regardless of whether you are represented by counsel or handle it yourself.

For a free consultation call (360) 792-1000.

speeding ticket defense

Speeding Ticket Defense

In this section we’ll tell you what happens when you contest a ticket yourself, and how choosing a professional attorney instead can make a BIG difference.

“Ryan has come through for me more times than I care to admit and thanks to him (certainly no thanks to me) my driving record is as spotless as the day I got my license!”— A.G

What Happens If I Contest A Ticket Myself?

Should you choose to defend your own ticket, one of the impacts is time away – from work, from home, from family. Typically, an infraction calendar can mean that you sit in a courtroom for hours before it’s your turn. It is not unusual to miss most or all of a work day. If it is unpaid leave, you are missing out on that income as well as potentially paying the ticket.

If you contest the ticket and are found “committed” (meaning the court finds you guilty of the cited offense), you will have to pay the full amount of the fine. If you do not contest the ticket but ask the court to reduce the amount of the fine (mitigate), you will pay less but do not get a chance to defend yourself—you’re agreeing that you committed the offense. In either case, the ticket will appear on your history and it is very likely that your insurance rates will go up. If it is a moving violation, it will also count as one of the violations for the 2023 law change that can suspend your license.

How A Speeding Ticket Attorney Makes A Difference

Often people want to contest their ticket – but they don’t understand how to present their side of the case. Furthermore, they don’t know how to seek discovery, subpoena the officer, or properly cross examine the officer. It becomes overwhelming and extremely time-consuming. And, in most cases, non-attorneys focus on the wrong aspects of the case. It isn’t really about what the officer or you think about the ticket, it’s whether the State can prove you violated the relevant statute. There are many facets to analyzing the strength of the State’s case and most non-attorneys would have no reason to know how to do that. It really just comes down to experience.

Signing Up Is Easy!

As prosecutors and defense counsel, our attorneys have handled thousands of infractions. We certainly have experience on our side. When you hire an attorney at Witt Law Group, all of the stress and guess work disappears. In fact, in most cases, you only need to make a single phone call to our office and everything else is taken care of. No time off of work. No worries about discovery. No worries about your defense.

Traffic Infractions – We Cover Them All!

Whether it’s speeding, operating a motor vehicle without insurance, no tabs, improper lane usage, speeding too fast for conditions, negligent driving in the second degree, failure to abide by a traffic control signal, equipment violations (no mud flaps, broken taillights), skateboarding, defective exhaust, tinted windows, violation of restricted license, no seat belt, noise violation (speakers too loud), talking on a cell phone or use of an electronic device, littering, or failure to secure load—we handle them all!

Traffic Infraction Information

Important information about speeding tickets and their impact in specific scenarios. Select any topic to find out more.

Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) & Intermediate/Teen Driver’s License

If you have a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL), the tickets have a much greater impact and you can lose your license. There are special considerations and punishments for those who have a CDL. Always tell your infraction defense attorney if you hold a CDL even if you were not driving for work at the time you received the ticket.

Speeding Tickets For Teens

For teens, an infraction will count as a “warning”; after two warnings, your license will be suspended. With all of the restrictions on intermediate licenses, it is easy to get multiple tickets during your probation period. It is important to fight every ticket because not all tickets can be dismissed or reduced to a non-moving violation. By paying for or not contesting one ticket, your next ticket might be the one that suspends your license!

Habitual Traffic Offender Suspension

Finally, be aware that your ticket may also lead to further serious consequences such as license suspension as a Habitual Traffic Offender (HTO). Additionally, If you were cited for leaving the scene of an accident, it is possible that the initial ticket is an infraction but, if a person was later found to be injured at the scene, that can become a criminal charge.

Speeding Tickets with DUI / DUII

Furthermore, if you were arrested for DUI (alcohol or marijuana-related) and also cited for an infraction, it is important for your attorney to review both of those cases. Occasionally, the infraction citation is used a pretextual stop for your DUI and greatly impacts the evidence collected on your DUI stop. Your criminal defense attorney will certainly want to analyze the infraction ticket in conjunction with the discovery on your criminal charge.

ALERT – 2023 Law Change Means License Suspension!

Wat Law Group’s Infraction Protocol

When a person hires us to handle their infraction, we want them to be familiar with our “infraction protocol.”  It will help you understand what we do and what to expect in the following weeks and months. 

We look forward to assisting you with your infraction! Give our office a call. (360) 792-1000

Witt Law Group is a personal injury and criminal defense law firm with offices throughout western Washington. Our attorneys are here 7 days a week to help. Don’t delay getting the help you need!

Criminal Defense Posts

Didn’t Sign Your Speeding Ticket? Is It A Defense?

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ryan witt and jennifer witt, witt law group

Get help now

Whether you choose to handle your case alone or you hire the Witt Law Group, get educated and prepared. There are so many factors that occur in the early part of your case that can dictate whether you will end up with a fair recovery. Remember that a consultation is free and worth your time. You will likely discover that the earlier you get an attorney involved in the process, the easier the transition back to normal life. Your attorney will take over all contact with the insurance adjuster and keep track of your treatment providers and bills. Your job is to heal. Our job is to present your injuries and damages to the insurance companies and argue for a fair settlement that accurately reflects the pain and damages you’ve suffered.