Category Criminal Defense

Marijuana DUI

When Washington State added marijuana per se limits to the DUI statute, they unintentionally created a legal paradox. While an alcohol-related DUI is based on science, the marijuana DUI standards are based on fear. The marijuana standard of 5 ng/ml…

Infraction On A Bicycle?

As spring approaches, it is important to do a refresher on the rules of the road that apply to bicycles. People flock to the roadsides and trails in hoards once we get a few consecutive days of sun in Western…

Reasons To Bail Out A Loved One

The issue of bail is always challenging. First, it can be expensive. Second, if you want your loved one to “learn a lesson,” is it best to leave her in jail? Finally, will the Court consider the person less “upstanding”…

Drug And Alcohol Assessment

If you are arrested for a DUI in the State of Washington, you will likely find yourself seeking a DUI drug and alcohol assessment. Some people wait until they are convicted of DUI and ordered to get this assessment. However,…

Marijuana Crimes In Washington

Marijuana is a tricky substance when it comes to the law. Most people in Washington State know that, after I-502 passed, recreational use became legal for adults over 21 years old. There were several restrictions placed on the legal use…